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Community members across Kitsilano hold a wealth of knowledge - from professional expertise, to lived experience around anti-racism efforts, to affordable housing, harm reduction, transportation planning, and more! The below resources have been collectively curated by community members for the purposes of education and awareness building.


Have a resource you'd like to add? Shoot us an email.


Please note, this curated list is an ever expanding and evolving and is not meant to be exhaustive.

Kitsilano History

Video History of Displacement of the Kitsilano Indian Band (YouTube)


This video will walk viewers through a brief visual history of the Kitsilano Indian Band Reserve, and the subsequent displacement of the Squamish, Musqueam and Tsleil-Waututh Nations from their Lands by the City of Vancouver and the Government of BC. 


City of perpetual displacement: 100-years since the destruction of the Kitsilano Reserve (article)

The 1913 destruction of the Kitsilano reserve is connected to the present through a past that has, in fact, never been resolved. This article discusses the colonial history of Kitsilano and displacement of the traditional Squamish village site of SenÌ“áḵw.


Mapping Tool: Kitsilano Reserve (web map)

Chronology and maps provide and approximation of some of the changes to the Kitsilano reserve, illustrating its transformation from a Coast Salish village to an industrial and urban space.


Land Back: The History of Squamish Stolen Land (interactive article)

Hear directly from Squamish Nation members about the history of SenÌ“áḵw village, the impact of colonialism and displacement, and what Land Back means in the context of Reconciliation. 


What's In a name? The 'Khatsalano' festival and colonialism (article)

The practice of appropriating Indigenous names and cultures is experiencing an unfortunate renaissance in today's popular culture. Where does the name 'Khatsalano' come from?


History of Kits Poo(article)

Ever wonder how Kitsilano became home to North America's longest saltwater pool? Look no further.


Kitsilano's South Asian and Sikh History (webpage)

Built in 1908, the 1866 2nd Avenue Gurdwara in Kitsilano, was the first Sikh Gurdwara in Canada. Operated by the Khalsa Diwan Society (est. 1906) it was the center for spiritual, political, social, and economic life for Indians of all faiths as well as at the forefront for social justice campaigns supporting the Komagata Maru and regaining the right to vote for South Asians in 1947.


Kitsilano's "Hippie" History (article)

Kitsilano, once dubbed "Hippie Hollow" was once a hub for hippie and counter-culture movements. Explore Kits' hippie roots, and why this might be changing.


"A Place on the Corner" - Kitsilano Neighbourhood House and the Kits Community (online PDF)

Explores the history of the Kitsilano Neighbourhood House and the arts and cultural history of Kits.


"Greektown"in Kitsilano (blog)

Tracing Kitsilano's cultural roots including 'Greektown'.


Affordable and Supportive Housing

Social Housing and Property Values (YouTube)

This brief video, made by RainCity Housing, talks about how supportive housing has not negatively impacted property values.


The Myth of Homelessness (YouTube)

Dr. Bonnie Henry and other leading community advocates discuss myths of homelessness and the transformative impact of housing in peoples lives and healing journeys.


Overcoming fears of discarded needles (YouTube)

Leading public health experts discuss overblown fears around discarded needles, and why fears over needles should not prevent us from building housing. 


Structural Violence and Homelessness (YouTube)

This video discusses how our systems and structures contribute to ongoing challenges for unhoused individuals and the need to flip our mindset. 



Harm Reduction


LGBTQ2A+ and Feminism


Climate Justice

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